Finding Answers to your Questions

Find answers, whether you are just starting out, have complicated theoretical questions or want to know more about building OCaml projects


Compared to other more popular languages, OCaml has a lot less instructional tutorials and helpful stack-overflow questions. For any user, this can be incredibly frustrating. Finding answers can be different depending on what user you are, but some places offer a good starting point for nearly everyone.

Discuss OCaml

OCaml has a very active and supportive discussion forum which is most people's first port of call when trying to find an answer. This could be either searching for similar questions or posting your own under the relevant category.


Github Issues

Another great place to look for answers for a specific library or executable is in the Github issues of that library. Often bugs are reported which might just be because of a confusing API and the maintainers of the code clear it up and close the issue - use this to your advantage and learn from them. This is also a good sanity-check before you disappear down the rabbit hole to debug something!


Caml Mailing List & Discord

Other places to look include the caml mailing list, the IRC channel and the Discord server (which also includes the IRC channel).

Mailing Lists and Forums - OCaml